Maldives Women Judges Conference 2023 – First of its Kind in Maldives

To commemorate this years International Women’s Day and International Day of Women Judges, Judicial Service Commission along with UNDP Maldives and the British High Commission in the Maldives held the first ever Maldives Women Judges Conference.

The Conference was held at Crossroads Maldives from 15th to 16th March. It was reported that 22 Women Judge’s took part in this Conference.

Seven session were held throughout the Conference. These sessions featured prominent and well-known figures and Women Judges from around the world and Maldives.

Sessions held throughout the Conference

  • Session 1 : Towards Equality – Judges as Gender Advocates.
  • Session 2 : Sexism in the Judiciary – Towards Changing the Organizational Structure
  • Session 3 : Women on the Bench – Country Experiences
  • Session 4 : Strategic Court Leadership
  • Session 5 : Gendered Threats to Judicial Integrity
  • Session 6 : Judicial Security
  • Session 7 : Networking and Knowledge sharing Tools and Platforms

Among the speakers include, Minister of Gender and Family, Ms Aishath Mohamed Didi; International Women of Courage award winner (2012) and founder of Hope for Women, Honorable Aneesa Ahmed; Supreme Court Justice Aisha Shujune Muhammad; High Court Justice Huzaifa Mohamed; the Chief Justice for the State of Jammu and Kashmir in India, Justice Gita Mittal; Judge of the Federal Court of Malaysia, Justice Dato’ Mary Lim Thiam Suan and Rule of Law, Policy Advisor at UNDP, Diana Torres.

Justice Shujune and Justice Huzaifa were the first ever females appointed as Judges back in 2007. Since than we have seen the number of women Judges rise. During the recent years, Maldives celebrated the first Female Judges to Juvenile Court, Criminal Court and Supreme Court. We also saw Justice Huzaifa appointed as the Chief Judge of Family Court, being the first female Chief Judge to be appointed in the Country. And for the first time, a case was heard at High Court by a bench comprising of only female Justices.