“Interface of Justice and Women and Children” : Second Maldives Women Judges Conference Concludes

Building on the success of the inaugural event, the Maldives recently concluded its second Women Judges Conference at the Crossroads Maldives resort. This two-day gathering, held under the theme “Interface of Justice and Women and Children,” brought together a distinguished group of women judges from across the Maldives to confront critical legal issues that disproportionately affect women and children.

The opening ceremony featured distinguished guests who delivered insightful remarks. These included Chief Justice Ahmed Muthasim Adnan; Honorable Hugo Yon, US Ambassador to the Maldives; Hathif Hilmy, representing the United States Department of Justice’s Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training (OPDAT); and Aishath Rizna, Chief Judicial Administrator . Their presence and words helped set the stage for a productive and impactful conference.

Day one of the conference delved into “Examining the Justice Sector’s Interface with Women for Domestic Violence & Sexual Harassment.” Case studies provided a platform for in-depth discussions on the challenges women face within the justice system. The sessions further explored methods to combat discrimination and drew valuable insights from successful strategies implemented in other jurisdictions.

The focus shifted to children’s rights on the conference’s second day, titled “Examining the Justice Sector’s Interface with Children.” Key areas explored included custody cases, fostering systems, and the legal framework surrounding children’s rights. Discussions yielded actionable points and proposed solutions, incorporating successful approaches adopted in various jurisdictions.

A notable outcome from the Conference was the agreement by the judges to work towards launching a Women Judges wing under the Judges Association. This proposal received positive feedback from the Executive Committee of the Judges Association of the Maldives, signifying a potential step forward for women judges in the Maldives.

The Maldives Women Judges Conference is an initiative of the Department of Judicial Administration and Judicial Service Commission. This important event is made possible with the support of the United States Department of Justice’s Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training (OPDAT) and the UN Development Programme in the Maldives.