2022 in Numbers : Supreme Court of the Maldives

Supreme Court of the Maldives published their statistic for year 2022 on 09 January 2023.

According to the statistics for 2022, a total of 223 cases were sent to Supreme Court for registration.

While 47 (21.17%) of these 223 cases were criminal, 105 (47.29%) were civil. Of these 223 cases, 105 (45.73%) were registered in the Supreme Court. From the 47 criminal cases, 25 (53.19%) cases were registered. Likewise, of the 105 civil cases, 55 (52.38%) were registered at the Supreme Court.

In 2022, the Supreme Court heard a total of 228 cases. 105 (46.05%) of these were cases registered within 2022, while the remaining 123 (53.94%) cases were from previous years.

The statistic shows that the Supreme Court of the Maldives closed a total of 107 (46.92%) cases heard. 5 (4.67%) of these cases were withdrawn by the appellant.

During 2021 the Supreme Court closed 138 (52.87%) cases. Last year we saw an almost 6% decrease in the number of cases closed compared to the previous year, 2021.